Introduction to human body: Definition and scope of anatomy and physiology, levels of structural organization and body systems, basic life processes, homeostasis, basic anatomical terminology.
Cellular level of organization: Structure and functions of cell, transport across cell membrane, cell division, cell junctions. General principles of cell communication, intracellular signaling pathway activation by extracellular signal molecule, Forms of intracellular signaling: a) Contact-dependent; b) Paracrine; c) Synaptic; d) Endocrine.
Integumentary system: Structure and functions of skin.
Skeletal system: Divisions of skeletal system, types of bone, salient features and functions of bones of axial and appendicular skeletal system. Organization of skeletal muscle, physiology of muscle contraction, neuromuscular junction.
Joints: Structural and functional classification, types of joints movements and its articulation.
Body fluids and blood: Body fluids, composition and functions of blood, hemopoiesis, formation of hemoglobin, anemia, mechanisms of coagulation, blood grouping, Rh factors, transfusion, its significance and disorders of blood, Reticulo-endothelial system.
Lymphatic system: Lymphatic organs and tissues, lymphatic vessels, lymph circulation and functions of lymphatic system.