Introduction: Basics of ecology, Ecosystem, Biodiversity Human activities and its effect on ecology and eco system, different development i.e. irrigration, urbanization, road development and other engineering activities and their effects on ecology and ecosystem, Mining and deforestation and their effects. – Lowering of water level , Urbanization. –
Biodegradation and Biodegradibility, composting, bio remediation, Microbes .Use of biopesticidies and biofungicides. – Global warning concerns, Ozone layer depletion, Green house effect, Acid rain,etc.
Pollution : Sources of pollution, natural and man made, their effects on living environments and related legislation.
Water Pollution: Factors contributing water pollution and their effect. – Domestic waste water and industrial waste water. Heavy metals, microbes and leaching metal. – Physical, Chemical and Biological Characteristics of waste water. – Indian Standards for quality of drinking water. – Indian Standards for quality of treated waste water. – Treatment methods of effluent (domestic waste water and industrial/ mining waste water), its reuse/safe disposal.
Air Pollution: Definition of Air pollution, types of air pollutants i.e. SPM, NOX, SOX, GO, CO2, NH3, F, CL, causes and its effects on the environment. – Monitoring and control of air pollutants, Control measures techniques. Introductory Idea of control equipment in industries i.e. Settling chambers B. Cyclones C. Scrubbers (Dry and Wet), D. Multi Clones E. Electro Static Precipitations F. Bog Fillers. Ambient air quality measurement and their standards. – Process and
domestic emission control Vehicular Pollution and Its control with special emphasis of Euro-I, Euro-II, Euro-III and Euro IV.
Noise Pollution: Sources of noise pollution, its effect and control.
Radioactive Pollution: Sources and its effect on human, animal, plant and material, means to control and preventive measures.
Solid Waste Management: Municipal solid waste, Biomedical waste, Industrial and Hazardous waste, Plastic waste and its management.
Legislation: Preliminary knowledge of the following Acts and rules made thereunder- The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act – 1974. – The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act – 1981. – The Environmental Protection (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act -1986. Rules notified under EP Act – 1986 Viz. The Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical (Amendment) Rules, 2000
The Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling ) Amendment Rules, 2003.Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) (Amendment) Rules, 2003.
The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) (Amendment) Rules,2002.
Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules 2000.
The Recycled Plastics Manufacture and Usage (Amendment) rules,
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): Basic concepts, objective and methodology of EIA. – Objectives and requirement of Environmental Management System (ISO-14000) (An Introduction).
Disaster Management: Definition of disaster – Natural and Manmade, Type of disaster management, How disaster forms, Destructive power, Causes and Hazards, Case study of Tsunami Disaster, National policy Its objective and main features, National Environment Policy, Need for central intervention, State Disaster Authority- Duties and powers, Case
studies of various Disaster in the country, Meaning and benefit of vulnerability reduction, Factor promoting vulnerability reduction and mitigation, Emergency support function plan. Main feature and function
of National Disaster Management Frame Work, Disaster mitigation and prevention, Legal Policy Frame Work, Early warning system, Human Resource Development and Function, Information dissemination and communication.