According to the WHO, approximately 422 million people worldwide have diabetes, and approximately 1.6 million people die annually from diabetes. Diabetes is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels. Which disease affects the whole organism (kidneys, heart, blood vessels and eyes).
There are three main types of diabetes
Type 1 diabetes Also known as insulin-dependent diabetes and autoimmune disease, type 1 diabetes occurs when the insulin-producing islet cells in the pancreas are completely destroyed.
Type 2 diabetesIt is also known as non-insulin-dependent diabetes or non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Or adult-onset, which occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin or doesn’t make enough insulin.
Type 3 diabetes Might be the way to describe Alzheimer’s which is caused by insulin resistance inside the brain.

Diabetic foot ulcer:
A diabetic patient has to face developed many medical conditions, one of which is a foot ulcer. A diabetic foot ulcer is an infection that develops suddenly on the bottom. It can easily spread to the bone and tissue around the wound and to any other distant part of the body. Diabetes is the main cause of foot ulcers. These issues are more common in people who use insulin, are more prone, as well as maintain low blood sugar levels. Other factors influencing the onset of ulcers include the duration of diabetes and kidney, eye or heart disease related to diabetes.
Other factors responsible for diabetic ulcers include:
Peripheral neuropathy can cause you to lose peripheral sensation in the leg (Foot). Neuropathy also comes as a result of increased blood sugar levels, which leads to nervedamage. Poor blood circulation could be the reason why your wound doesn’t heal as fast as itshould.
A foot deformities, which may include hammertoes or bunions, are one of the reasonssome people experience ulcers. . Wearing inappropriate footwear may seem insignificant, but you should know that it can be fatal for the progression of a diabetic wound. So, make sure you wear padded and comfortable shoes most of the time.
Peripheral artery disease often impairs recovery and increases the risk of infection. Therefore, they can complicate a foot ulcer. Excessive alcohol consumption and tobacco can also play an important role in the developmentof ulcers, so you are advised to incorporate healthy habits into your lifestyle.
Diabetic foot ulcer symptoms
In case of foot ulcer patient have lost of ability to feel, which is why pain is usually not considered a common sign.
- Foot irritation in bottom area of foot
- Show Redness in around diabetic wound
- Inflammation
- Black tissue
The visible sign of foot ulcer involves a black tissue, which surrounds the diabetic wound. Itmeans that there’s a loss of healthy blood circulation around foot wound. Stage of diabetes foot ulcer: Diabetes foot ulcer divided into following stage:-
Initial stage: – Intact skin: The foot may be painful, but it has no breaks or tears. Stage 1:- Superficial ulcer: When start second stage skin look like red crater, it candeveloped bed colour or dimple on the foot.
Stage 2:- Deep ulcer to the tendon: It can damage tissue and bone due to infection, feel painful are with inflammation deeply.
Stage 3:- Deep ulcer with abscess or osteomyelitis: A bedsore can become deep. It can spread into the muscle and bone.
Stage 4:- Forefoot gangrene
Stage 5:- Whole foot gangrene.
Preventive effect of nutrients in diabetic foot ulcer patient:
Blood glucose level in desired range is the best practise of diabetic management, because high blood glucose level interfere with wound healing and can lead to defective white blood cell function, making a diabetic foot ulcer susceptible to infection and also affect production of inflammatory molecules, interfere with collagen synthesis, and change cellular morphology,
So primary preventive measure is to keep blood glucose level is range to avoid this particular
medical condition. Nutrition plays an important role in maintain health and reduction of rick factor of medical condition in diabetic patient. Balance of nutrient help in healing with calories, fluid, protein, minerals and Vitamin (Vit C, E, D and B12).

Improper dietary habits and lack of nutrients in the diet may leads to additional requirement of nutrients supplement for injury repair. In Diabetic patient calories intake play major role in maintaining the blood sugar level. Diabetic patients should choose food product with low glycemic index for maintaining a healthy blood sugar level. Regular health check-up and consulting a doctor will be help in avoiding this medical condition in diabetic patients.