Herbs as raw materials: Definition of herb, herbal medicine, herbal medicinal product, herbal drug preparation, Source of Herbs, Selection, identification and authentication of herbal materials, Processing of herbal raw material.
Biodynamic Agriculture: Good agricultural practices in cultivation of medicinal plants including Organic farming. Pest and Pest management in medicinal plants: Biopesticides/Bioinsecticides.
Indian Systems of Medicine: Basic principles involved in Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathy. Preparation and standardization of Ayurvedic formulations viz. Aristas and Asawas, Ghutika, Churna, Lehya and Bhasma.
Evaluation of Drugs WHO & ICH guidelines for the assessment of herbal drugs. Stability testing of herbal drugs. Patenting and Regulatory requirements of natural products: Definition of the terms: Patent, IPR, Farmers right, Breeder’s right, Bioprospecting and Biopiracy.
Patenting aspects of Traditional Knowledge and Natural Products. Case study of Curcuma & Neem.
Regulatory Issues – Regulations in India (ASU DTAB, ASU DCC), Regulation of manufacture of ASU drugs – Schedule Z of Drugs & Cosmetics Act for ASU drugs.